How to select a reading.


We know selecting an astrology service can get confusing. Here is an easy guide to follow.

Have you had an astrology reading before?

No? Then the best place to start is with a natal astrology reading.

In this reading, Jude or Ella will look at the planetary placements at the time of your birth. The natal chart is as unique as a fingerprint—and this reading comprehensively explores your distinctive astrological make-up.


If you have had an astrological reading before, you might be interested in a service based on your current experience. See below.


Are you interested in learning about influences occurring now or in the near future?

Using your natal chart as the blueprint, we can look at the astrology happening now and see how it is impacting your unique planetary placements in a transit reading. This reading is tailored to you and will include a refreshed exploration of your natal chart in the context of the influences occurring now.

Do you have a significant event coming up?

Astrology can also support you to select ideal times to begin significant projects. Doing this creates an auspicious ‘birthday’ and therefore natal chart for your project or event.

This service can select ideal times for a wedding, beginning a business, launching an important project or you can even look to choose a favourable time for a caesarian birth.

Relationship charts

Astrology can certainly offer insights into significant relationships. This can include romantic relationships, business partnerships, and relationships with individual family members.

It is important to note that relationship charts are not designed to explore someone else’s natal chart. Based on the meeting point of both your natal chart and theirs, relationship charts offer specific ways you can engage with the other person with greater awareness and understanding.

Where possible, please endeavour to get consent from the other person before booking this chart.
